Hi, i’m Maxim Babadzhan,

A.K.A, Velox.

I miss weed

11/30/2024 4:51 AM

These days are rough. I just miss when I was 15 through 20. I remember going to my friend Tommy’s house and we’d get cigarettes and smoke them in the woods. I didn’t know how to inhale then though, so it was really just only for fun lol.

And then I remember smoking weed with Tommy, and I didn’t know how to inhale that either, so I literally would just do it for the motions of smoking something.

I then remember my lacrosse friends Mike and Ethan invited me to smoke with them after lacrosse practice. We went to the beach near my house and smoked in the car.

Then, some girls pulled up, one named Lexi, another Sara, and another named Monica. Monica and Sara were a grade above, as were Mike and Ethan as well. Lexi was in my grade too. Before that time I actually used to think about Lexi a lot, and how attractive she was.

The guy driving the car was a guy a grade above me named Jake. There was a blunt being passed around, and yet again, I didn’t inhale. I just sucked the smoke into my mouth and breathed it out. I tried very hard to look cool. I was smoking and singing to the music. I recited J.Cole lyrics.

I then remember Lexi asking me “Who’s singing” and I said “J.Cole” and she said “Keep it that way.”, basically telling me to stop.

I really don’t know why she was that rude to me to this day, could it be because my singing sucked? Or because she just didn’t like me? Or because she caught me checking her out a lot and didn’t like me because of it?

But yeah, maybe it could be because she knew I wasn’t high and was faking it. To this day she hasn’t let me follow her on instagram though.

Eventually I learned how to inhale though. I was in my infamous shed where I smoked hundreds of times a year. I remember smoking a joint and it feeling like a burn in my throat. And then I remember feeling in a trance and having a panic attack.

Past those times though, weed was my crutch.

My most fondest memory and some of the best time smoking was from 16- 18. I had a routine going. I’d go to school, come home, and pack a bowl of a weed vaporizer I had called the Pax 2. I’d get home at 2pm, pack the bowl, and lay my back on my window sill with the Pax 2 on my side heating up. I would have a show on my computer playing.

I’d take 10-15 hits, get so mellow, and usually dose off. Then at 4:00PM i’d get a ride to lacrosse practice. To this day I still don’t know how I was still up for lacrosse practice after basically dosing off into a coma on really potent shit.

These days I have to sleep 12+ hours just to feel decent enough to do stuff in the day, and meanwhile I was going to an insanely tiring sport practice half asleep and very dazed and confused. I am impressed I did that. However, I wasn’t very good at lacrosse, and was noticeably very sloppy and lackadaisical.

Then i’d go home from practice, play league of legends, eat dinner, and repeat: I’d set up a movie on my computer, and heat my weed vaporizer with the same weed from earlier in the day. I’d have it heating on my left while my back was laying on a pillow on my window sill.

I’d take hit after hit and get noticeably more and more high/ baked / tired with each hit. I’d usually fall asleep and usually not remember my point I passed out vividly.

I’d wake up, still high, and show up to classes with red eyes. Sometimes i’d even get to school and hide in the wrestling room and vape a dab cart on the stairs. That was when I was getting more and more reclusive, antisocial, and angsty about how I had no one.

Back to the weed vaporizer though, it wasn’t like a dab cart / dab pen vaporizer nowadays with the weed oil in it, where the smell goes away fast as well. Those were the shit in high school. I’d meet friends in the bathroom and get blazed and it was undetectable since the smell went away after 10 seconds and only smelled in a small vicinity.

But the vaporizer I had, was basically just a device that you put dry herb in it ( real weed ), and it heats it so hot that you get vapor out of it.

I must of smoked it daily for 2 years, and my parents/ brother/ sister would complain here and there, but I never was forced to stop. That is crazy, because I now realize they must of had to cope with a constant smell of weed every night. So I am ashamed of that.

I stunk my sister’s bathroom and she complained but I still did it.

That said, i just want to reiterate how great high school was, and how awesome it was to lean back on that window sill and take hit after hit getting higher each time until passing out. I always think of that memory, and how at peace and cozy I was on those nights.

These days if I smoked i’d get so paranoid and have horrible thoughts that people are watching me and reacting to me. Hell, for a period of my life there was a point I didn’t get high from weed at all for like 2 years. Now I finally feel it but I hate it so much.

Karma kicked my ass though, because when I was dorming at college, I left a bag of some rare homegrown weed that I got specially from a classmate, and the high was revolutionary. A day later I had room inspections I forgot about, and they found the weed, called the cops, and the cop showed up outside my class and gave me a ticket for it.

I got away with it by just attending a class, but I should have learned. I really did not realize how bad weed would smell. The air is sensitive lol.

I again would smoke daily for a year. If only I just switched to the dab cart. If I did I would of never gotten caught and so many accidents would have been avoided. The price is pretty much the same. For $40 I could get an eight of real weed that’d last 3-4 days. On the other hand, a one gram dab cart is $40 too and lasts about the same.

Fast forward 4 years later and i’ve been sober from weed and nicotine for 2 years. But at the moment I do not see too many improvements. Maybe if I was doing something that directly highlighted all the benefits from quitting, i’d feel better.

The lesson to all you guys though: Smoke flower from a joint or bong or wherever if you live alone or something, and are 100% positive you won’t get in trouble.

To all the youngins: no, smoking physical weed and blowing it out the window or through the shower steam or through a smoke buddy won’t work. The smoke isn’t the only thing that smells. The point of contact where you light the weed up smells too.

Therefore, just take edibles or go outside to the woods or something lol. Also, use a dab pen with concentrate. It’s crazy how those things can save you from getting caught.

On a better note though, just don’t smoke weed at all. Lol.


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